It's really very huge car fairs held in Japan and USA. Currently car industry not viewed on total stagnation. And also currently developed cars are not able to maintain year and year. Some of new developed cars are little chip but in terms of security become law and risk become high. In years of 1993 Peugeot was build one car that run 100Km with just 3 ltrs petrol. And this is very imports who are going to purchase new cars.
In mooneyes of Japanese industry are specialize in it to everybody are very very interested in hybrid technology means collect more than one technology and build one strong technology from that.
And germans are very different from that. It’s really rejecting technology whose grand are electricity. They are very taking care about fuel and safety points. So everybody who attends mooneyes type fairs they get exact idea about that. If any technology going to save your 20 liters fuel per day then it automatically increase you saving and also your revenue.
Mooneyes is largest car fair opening in Paris is in turnheld once in Paris and once in Frankrut. It gives you idea about newest development car and car technology and also view on total stagnation. Now everybody want technology which are give you car without maintain it for 40 years after purchase.

These years in mooneyes fair try to highlight mainly different different outlooks on related to technology rather starkly. Now days some persons are very very interested to invest in car hybrid technology and try to born any new for our.
Industry of French is also going to develop new car which are working on electric power supply. It's also very beneficial in terms of cars fuel. But this type of car technology mostly not covers in mooneyes because this types of technology currently no successfully. So successfully technology are covered by this type of fair .As per your knowledge currently France are the most running country who are developed power electric supply more and more. So we think these types of electrical cars are taking some advantage to them. But it's very risky for people like us.
If we transfer on power supply from fuel then I don't think its batter idea because for generate power supply we also need some energy like black coc, oil etc. And ultimately we are taken it from one of our energy source. So if industries develop any successfully car who are used solar energy then its 100% batter option for us.
Mooneyes auto parts fair also give advantages on each car so purchaser gets idea on that too.
In Mooneyes fair we will try to give best deal with minimize energy used car. And yes this is also batter idea that you can get minimize energy car. If current industry developed that type of car then it's very help full to middle class people too. As French are going to find alternate solutions for electrical source too.
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